October 1, 2009

It's fall

Lumberjack season.

Midtown sunset

Looking west through fritted glass.

Found last night!

I am powerless against the allure of cigar boxes.

I may or may not already have several of these.

Books, of course:

There is a Simenon "Maigret" novel that did not make it into this picture. It, Borges, Wilde, Ballard, Beckett, and Dickens are for me. The rest are for the Internet. (I already sold the Sandman and Love and Rockets books!)

And, an excellent metal Homak toolbook, complete with red tray and sawdust!

For all my stuffs!

The street giveth to ol' Becky.

Dear world

Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?

Of JOY??

Street books! Including a notebook containing this enigmatic composition:


Old timey

I have never seen a box spring like this.

Looks squeaky.