November 19, 2010


Master bookshelf carpenter.

Six feet by five feet—this is just the top half! Made completely from scrap wood.

It's mostly fiction, and I decided to arrange it in alphabetical order by author, with separate sections for graphic novels/comic strip collections, non-belles lettres nonfiction (ie, self-help, crochet books, kayaking books, the bible), children's and young adult books, and "weirdo" books (more on this later).

It is so great to have all the books off the floor! (We had quite a few stacks on the rug before.)

We are almost living like "normal" people.

Previously overlooked pumpkin seed!

Down the hatch.

Remember Manuel

From Fawlty Towers? He speaks English, he learned it from a book?

I learned something from a book too:

Magical seamless granny-square-joining technique!!

It's time consuming but SO WORTH IT.

At the cafe

An excellent photograph of pancakes. (They don't sell pancakes.)


It awaits the birth of Heather and Aaron's baby!

Put it to good use, guys.