December 11, 2011

This guy


Strange and beautiful

Are the bus seats of Montreal.


He's found a new perch.

Eating from the cupboard

It will eventually come down to the can of herring fillets in mustard.

Check it out!

I repotted this cactus today.

My mom made me this perfect pot featuring my own drawing of a cat—taken from the envelope of a package I had sent her (decorated with cat pictures, natch).


We were using it to hold our garlic but I thought it was time to put a cactus in it.


FOLD FOLD FOLD FOLD snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip snip UNFOLD UNFOLD.

Now tape it to the lamp shade!


Greg and Rebecca shopping day!

Non-secret purchases:

Two tiny chai glasses!


The best pipecleaners on the planet:

For cleaning my pipe (or something).

And, finally:

Bahn miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!

We scarfed them down so fast.