January 12, 2010


Greg and I are reviving our practice of having greens with every meal—we used to be almost unable to conceive of a meal without them, but somehow we slipped.

Last night, broccoli raab:

YUMMMMMMY! Thanks Greg.

I found this on the internet by accident just now:

Henry Raab. Doesn't he have great hair? (He probably ate a lot of greens).

I used to sport a similar style. Well, the head part, not the face part (I wish!).


  1. yes, you did sport a similar style! not so much facial hair though .. chuckle chuckle..

  2. u convinced me to go out and buy so raab today...though i do admit i eat it everyother day ;)

  3. Kale is also awesome. And Asparagus is the best, even though it is expensive and makes your pee smell funny. Also, I have to call it ash-per-AH-goose, because of a swiss chef at a restaurant I once worked at.
